Business Engage Key Pillars

Each pillar is related to key initiatives undertaken by Business Engage.

Engage Stakeholders


Gender Matters Book Cover

Gender Matters - a practical response to the slippery ladder

“We believe that the best way to influence change is to strengthen and grow the current conversation, then couple that with deliberate actions.” Colleen Larsen

In this book Col Larsen delves into the issues of gender mainstreaming as a business Issue. She has been involved in gender issues in the private sector for several years and has come to realise that many companies want to change: they profess an urge to implement diversity, inclusion and belonging, and express policies geared towards gender equity. She has also seen there is a genuine desire by the more enlightened leaders to be more gender-balanced in their upper echelons and senior management structures.

This is a practical book for all those who want to make it to the top or at least want to go far in the business world. This book is for men just as much as women. As we say, it is a business issue after all.

Cost R275,00 (Including VAT and delivery)

Masterclass book

The Board Masterclass Series is an initiative to contribute towards accelerating women participation in South African Boards to reach the 30% aspiration.

  • It is important to have a focused development agenda for future senior leaders and board members who will take on leadership positions and board roles.
  • The development agenda is to have a deliberate focus on accelerating readiness for candidates (men as well as women) to compete when the roles become available

There are many Women on Boards programmes in the marketplace. This is not one of them, instead this is a practical board series aimed mainly at women; although men are invited and
encouraged to apply. The BMS integrates the experience and knowledge of 30% Club members and is supplemented by presenters who are experts in their chosen field. Business Engage invited 28 of the 30 Masterclass facilitators to contribute a chapter each to the Board Masterclass Series book.
For more information on the programme and profiles of the facilitators, visit the Board Masterclass Series here.

Cost: R395.00 per book. (Including VAT and delivery)

Board Room Masterclass Series Book Cover


It must be noted that Business Engage does not reinvent the wheel. As such, if a similar programme is being run in the region, we would rather support the existing programme rather than compete e.g. the Women on Boards Network webinars in East Africa, so programmes such as the BoardWalk may not be rolled out in the region. Cross regions; we may collaborate on events across the continent.


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Who we are

Business Engage is the custodian of the 30% Club Southern and East Africa.

30% Club Southern and East Africa

Business Engage is the custodian of the 30% Club Southern and East Africa. The 30% Club is an international campaign of Chairmen and CEOs who put their names to increasing the level of board members of predominantly large and listed companies because it makes business sense. There is no cost for membership of the 30% club East Africa.

In joining the club;

  • Chairmen, CEOs and senior partners would be lending their names to the 30% Club campaign in their personal capacity;
  • Chairmen, CEOs and senior partners would be agreeing to be publicly listed as Members of the 30% Club, and for Chairmen, CEOs and senior partners’ memberships to be included in the 30% Club East Africa literature, on our website and in campaigns.
Business executive team-having discussion.

The opportunity:

  • Chairmen, CEOs and senior partners would be invited to 30% Club events
  • Chairmen, CEOs and senior partners would be entitled to publicly state that they are 30% Club Members
  • Chairmen, CEOs and senior partners (in their personal capacity) would be welcome to list the 30% Club in their bios and to use our logo, and with consent, the organisation would also be allowed to include our logo in its materials (but only for as long as Chairmen, CEOs and senior partners remain a member of the 30% Club East Africa)
  • Chairmen, CEOs and senior partners would be invited to leverage their 30% Club membership, both internally and externally, to engage on gender balance. In particular, we would encourage Chairmen, CEOs and senior partners to use their membership; to engage with their employees on gender diversity to drive progress in their respective organisations.

Our requests:

  • We would ask that Chairmen, CEOs and senior partners actively assist in recruiting and spreading the word to other Chairs, CEOs and senior partners
  • We would welcome the involvement of Chairmen, CEOs and senior partners in publicity/press opportunities where appropriate.
Our leadership team

A team that can change your bussiness!